Nestled Near

A bird built her nest on top of our front light, obviously oblivious to the fact that light generates warmth, and heat against the delicate properties of an egg white can be disastrous if that egg white is the amniotic fluid essential to new life.

We won’t be turning on the light any time soon.

We will protect those baby birds – unimportant to some, but precious to us. We feel a sense responsibility for them because their mother has chosen to nestle her home next to ours.

In many ways we are like those eggs. Nestled near to One who protects us, although we might not be aware of it. We often feel alone. Vulnerable. But God is near. He sees us and He will protect us if we ask Him to.

While we’re talking about birds and spring… for two days a robin has dedicated itself to tossing soggy leaves out of our gutter. As we eat at the kitchen table and look out through the patio doors, a slow, steady rain of wet poplar leaves flutters past. Why is it doing this??

I can’t sign off without sharing with you my delight that something pretty and yellow is finally blooming in the garden! Who says something beautiful can’t spring from an ugly environment? These bulbs are planted a few feet above our septic tank (you know what’s in there!) and that is why they are the first to open each spring.

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